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Catalog_2 Catalog3 Contenuti / Contents Vistosi Indice / Index 4 Indice fotografico / Photographic index 6 Storia / History 8 I nostri numeri / Our numbers18 Azienda / Company19 Designer / Designers20 Progetti / Projects22 Prodotti / Products Sospensioni / Suspensions29 Plafoniere / Ceiling225 Parete / Wall 287 Tavolo / Table 335 Terra / Floor 371 Informazioni / Information Come leggere il catalogo / How to read the catalog 396 Legenda / Keys 397 Materiali / Materials Colori del vetro / Glass colours 398 Finiture del vetro / Glass finishes 398 Finiture delle parti metalliche / Metal parts finishes 399 Altre finiture / Other finishes 399 Decentramenti / Swag systems400 Nuove caratteristiche LED 2021 / New LED features 202140124PEARLS 120 ALEGA348 ARIA122 ARMONIA NEW 110300 ASSIBA108359 AURORA 258 NEW BACO150 BALANCE 144 NEW 232 NEW 306 NEW BISSONA357 BOLLE118244364 BOT 132 NEW 246 NEW CANDELA188 CLOTH 158317 CORNER310 CRISTALLINA 124 DAFNE312 DAMASCO168268318365388 DIADEMA 196274324367391 DIAMANTE114270 DRESS 154 ECOS204276328390 ESSENCE 194 FEREA356 FUTURA NEW 64252305353383 GIOGALI210278332392 IMPLODE130 NEW 248 NEW INCANTO NEW 92228 INFINITA146 NEW 234 NEW JUBE 76 NEW 298 NEW 342 NEW 376 NEW KIRA176 LACRIMA182 LEPANTO186382 LIO178256 NEW 322 NEW 358 LUCCIOLA 140 NEW 266 NEW 308 NEW 354384 MEDEA NEW 100 MIA 260 MINIGIOGALI218282330368393 MIRAGE160 PTLTSPAP / PPPL / FA Indice / Index NEW : nuova collezione / new collection NEW : collezione ampliata o modificata / extended or modified collection 4MORIS 238 NEW MUNEGA360 NARANZA152 NAXOS 148362385 NEOCHIC136 NEW 236 NEW 294 NEW NESSA 349 NINFEA156 NODO 162 NOVECENTO94240366386 ORO NEW 128 OTO 44 OVALINA314 PEGGY 56290378 NEW PHOENIX NEW 60 PLOT NEW 72 PLOT FRAME NEW 68292374 POC126269 POD230 NEW PUPPET32316361 PUPPET RING NEW 40296 RIFLESSO NEW 52338 RINA 98242346 SABA264 NEW SATA350380 SCINTILLA NEW 88 SEMAI134250 SISSI 180 SOGNO262 NEW SPIRIT 86 NEW 254 NEW 369 STARDUST164320 STARNET NEW 172 STONE104 SURFACE142 TREAD NEW 82302352 TREPAI381 TUBES 184272 VEGA304351387 WHITWHITE 190 PTLTSPAP / PPPL / FA 5Indice fotografico / Photographic index 186, 382178, 256, 322, 358 140, 266, 308, 354, 384 100 Lio Lucciola Medea 182 Lacrima 176 Kira Lepanto 260 Mia 120 144, 232, 306 357 124 118, 244, 364 312 132, 246188158, 317 348122110, 300108, 359258150 24Pearls Alega Aria Armonia Assiba Aurora Baco Balance Bissona Bolle Bot Candela Dafne Cloth Cristallina 310 Corner 168, 268, 318, 365, 388 196, 274, 324, 367, 391 114, 270154 Diadema Diamante Dress Damasco 204, 276, 328, 390 Ecos 76, 298, 342, 376 Jube 19435664, 252, 305, 353, 383 210, 278, 332, 392 Essence Futura Ferea Giogali 130, 24892, 228146, 234 Implode Incanto Infinita 218, 282, 330, 368, 393 Minigiogali 238360152148, 362, 385 Moris Munega Naranza Naxos 160 Mirage 6314 Ovalina 56, 290, 378 Peggy 60126, 269 Poc 230 Pod 32, 316, 361 Puppet 72 Plot 68, 292, 374 Plot Frame Phoenix 40, 296 Puppet Ring 52, 338 Riflesso 98, 242, 346 264350, 38088 Saba Scintilla Rina Sata 134, 250 Semai 82, 302, 352 Tread 142 Surface 180 Sissi 26286, 254, 369 164, 320172104 Sogno Spirit Stardust Starnet Stone 381184, 272304, 351, 387 190 Vega Whitwhite Trepai Tubes 136, 236, 294 Neochic 15616294, 240, 366, 386 12844 Ninfea Nodo NovecentoOro Oto 349 Nessa 7Next >